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S Jones says:

23 September 2022 at 5:56 am Edit

This is an excellent and well written essay. For all the reasons you laid out so well, I’m so easily distracted that I rarely am able to finish even a moderately long piece like this. But I happily made it to the end and would have kept going, and picked up some valuable insights on a subject I unfortunately already know too much about from personal experience. Thank you for sharing it.


mintaka5 says:

1 October 2022 at 12:46 pm Edit

Dynamite and spot on, my friend! This whole piece is something I’ve been wrestling with to explain to others what all this conflict bullshit is about, and that it’s not in their interests to keep supporting it. The war in Ukraine is being sold to westerners like a consumer product, and what they don’t hear or see is the carnage that is produced for the sake of corporate and political interests that are so ugly and baseless no one in their right mind, if they were told even an ounce of the truth would know that Ukraine is wrong, and will upend the entire globe in a very bad way. Thank you, for your beyond sensible words, and it’s good to find someone else that has solid insight to the reality of things. Cheers!

Adam Elwood says:

1 October 2022 at 8:14 pm Edit

Glad you resonated with it! I feel very conflicted about the whole Ukraine war, the role the media is playing in it is definitely disconcerting. In my opinion the most important thing is for it not to be allowed to escalate into a nuclear exchange, I don’t think people have really realised how bad that would be. However, there is some tit for tat game theory in not allowing Russia to just invade places with impunity…


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